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Advisory Board &
Exam Committee

The Advisory Board and Exam Committee, comprised of volunteers, guide the development, assessment, and implementation of the Quality Management in Pharma and Biotech modules.

Advisory Board

Role of the Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is based on voluntary contributions and proactively shares insights about market developments and industry trends. The Advisory Board supports, advises and reviews the curriculum and content of the Quality Management in Pharma and Biotech (Q-)course. The independent and unbiased insights and ideas of the Advisory Board allow for continued improvement of the Quality Management in Pharma and Biotech course.

Tasks of the Advisory Board

  • Pro-actively share insights in developments in the market and industry trends.
  • Provide advice on issues raised regarding the Q-course.
  • Provide independent, unbiased insights and ideas for the Q-course.
  • Provide support, advice and review to curriculum and content of the Q-course.

Members of the Advisory Board

  • Dr. A. (Annie) Rietveld

  • Drs. E. (Eric) van Wensveen

  • Drs. F. (Florentine) Baldée-Nieuwmeyer, PharmD

  • Drs. M.G.A.M. (Marcel) Moester

  • Drs. M.M. (Mieke) van der Meulen

  • Drs. R.H.L.M. (René) Maassen

  • Drs. T. (Tjitske) Veenbaas

  • Prof. dr. H.-J. (Henk-Jan) Guchelaar

Exam Committee

Role of the Exam Committee

The Exam Committee plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and quality of the Quality Management in Pharma and Biotech program. Composed of (volunteer) experts in the field and regulatory, the committee is responsible for developing, reviewing, and administering examinations. It ensures that assessments are fair, reliable, and aligned with the curriculum objectives. The committee also handles any discrepancies or issues related to exams, and may provide recommendations for improvements in assessment strategies.

Members of the Exam Committee

  • Christine Mitchell

  • Dr. A. (Annie) Rietveld

  • Dr. D.E.M.M. (Desirée) Vendrig

  • Dr. ir. J.L.M. (Jos) van der Lubbe

  • Dr. L.G.J. (Leo) de Leede

  • Drs. A.C.A.J. (Aad) van de Leur

  • Drs. J. (Jos) Mathôt

  • Karen Zimmermann

  • Miranda van Eck

  • Prof. dr. P.D.E.M. (Peter) Verhaert

  • Wilma Meijs

Exam regulations are found on a separate page.

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